Everybody Hurts

Highly ambitious, or no ambition at all, it's inevitable.

Not everyone will understand your struggle because not everyone has the same vision you have. Someone that is happy with just surviving won’t be able to see the world as a performer with big achievements, they’re just trying to survive. Some people are just trying to make ends meet and endure through another day, some others are pushing their own boundaries and aren’t happy making just enough to survive. An ambitious vision of your life brings pain, agony, discomfort, the test of faith, and despair. A survival vision (or average vision) brings every single discomfort and emotion that an ambitious vision brings, except that it isn’t aimed towards building a better you and a better future, it just aims to make it to the end of the day, empty, with no goals and no dreams. In the end, you’ll suffer whether you aim high or low, the difference is that one of both performers’ pain is to pay the price of growth and development, and the other is paying the price of contentment and apathy.

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